Stiddle Pixel & Attribution

How to Setup the Stiddle Pixel For Your E-commerce Store

How to setup the Stiddle Pixel for your Shopify or Woocommerce store

Setting Up UTMs for Ad Tracking with Stiddle - Google Ads & Facebook Ads

Setting Up UTMs for Ad Tracking with Stiddle - Google Ads & Facebook Ads

How to setup and install the Stiddle pixel with your Shopify store

How to setup and install the Stiddle pixel with your Shopify store

Does the Stiddle Pixel use third party cookies?

Does the Stiddle Pixel use third party cookies?

Are Stiddle Pixels unique to every Workspace? Can I use one Stiddle Pixel to track multiple stores?

Are Stiddle Pixels unique to every Workspace? Can I use one Stiddle Pixel to track multiple stores?

Updating Facebook UTMs without losing social proof

Updating Facebook UTMs without losing social proof

How long of a window does Stiddle track and attribute sales for?

How long of a window does Stiddle track and attribute sales for?

How to send conversion data from Shopify to Meta & Google Ads - Stiddle's Setup Guide

Feed ad engines with accurate conversion data. Make decisions right from Stiddle.

Stiddle Pixel Checkout Setup - Installing With Shopify 2.0 Using Customer Events

Follow this short guide to setup the Stiddle Pixel with Shopify checkout using Customer Events. This guide is an alternative and replaces "Additional Scripts", deprecated by Shopify.

Setup Stiddle Pixel With A NextJS Headless Shopify Store

Full Setup Guide To Integrate The Stiddle Pixel With A NextJS Headless Shopify Store With Shopify Checkout