Stiddle - Attribution Models

AI Models


A better Linear model with AI to dynamically adjust credit to each touchpoint and account for untracked conversions, analyzing interactions based on intent and performance.

AI dynamically credits any touchpoint 0%-100%.


A better First Click model, enhanced with AI to account for untracked conversions, focusing on the initial touchpoint while considering subsequent interactions.

AI dynamically credits first click 85%-115%.


A better Last Click model, prioritizing the final interaction with AI enhancement, yet acknowledging earlier engagements and accounting for untracked conversions.

AI dynamically credits last click 85%-115%.

Traditional Models

First Click

Attributes all conversion credit to the first touchpoint, highlighting which efforts drive initial awareness.

100% credit to the first click

Linear Click

Equally divides conversion credit among all touchpoints, offering a balanced view of customer engagement.

Credit distributed evenly amongst every click.

Last Click

Gives all conversion credit to the last touchpoint, useful for identifying final influence on customer decisions.

100% credit to the last click

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